A Better Way To Cover The Cost of Cancer Treatments
If you were ever diagnosed with cancer, would you prefer to spend $5,000 to $10,000 every year to treat that cancer until it was cured and be told which doctors you can use? Or would you prefer to spend just $2,500 one time and one time only no matter how long it takes to treat that cancer and be able to see any doctor you choose?
Most health insurance plans have really high deductibles and coinsurance, don’t they? Even if you have “good” health insurance, you’re still going to pay thousands of dollars to treat something like cancer. And since deductibles and coinsurance amounts reset every year with traditional health insurance, that means you’ll be paying thousands of dollars every single year to treat that cancer if you need treatment for more than a year. AND you’ll most likely be restricted to the doctors you can see.
There is a much better option available when it comes to paying healthcare costs – medical cost-share plans. Medical cost-share plans have been around since the mid 1990’s. They’re more affordable than traditional health insurance, but it’s critical that you pick the right cost-share plan. By doing so, you will save a TON of money each month, and you’ll save a ton of money if you ever need treatment for a chronic illness like cancer.
With the cost-share plan recommended by Work Perks Pro, you will be responsible for only the first $2,500 of cancer treatment. The cost-share plan will pick up anything above $2,500 no matter how long it takes to treat that cancer. AND you can see any doctor you choose.
So now that you know the difference between traditional health insurance and the cost-share plan recommended by Work Perks Pro regarding your cost to treat cancer, which one do you think you’d rather have? Contact us to learn more.