Slaves Offered Freedom But Choose To Remain Slaves

Remember how the Israelites were freed from Egyptian slavery but wanted to go back and live as slaves?  Crazy, right?      

When someone comes to us for health insurance, they are shared two options.  One option is traditional health insurance, the other option is a medical cost-share plan.  Although we get paid a lot more when someone chooses traditional health insurance, we almost always recommend the cost-share plan because for most people, it really is the best strategy. 

Do what’s best for the customer and the money will take care of itself” – Sam Walton, founder of Walmart

When people learn about medical cost-share plans, about 95% of ‘em say, “That sounds too good to be true”, and they end up sticking with traditional health insurance. It’s like they’re choosing slavery over freedom. And we get it. It’s what we have been programmed to believe. But medical cost-share plans have been successfully protecting Americans from large unexpected medical bills since at least the mid-1990’s. Unfortunately, most Americans are still choosing traditional health insurance.

You can lead a horse to water…


Man Pays Only $500 For $234,000 of Surgery